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Daily Spelling Practice One-Year Intensive

Regular price $37.95

Curriculum Overview

Our one-year spelling book is appropriate for middle and high school students. It provides 180 brief lessons, which include work with spelling rules, sound keys, word building, confusable pairs, and commonly misspelled words.

Teacher Guide:

Download a Teacher Guide sample

Student Workbook:

The optional student workbook is not reproducible and does not contain the answer keys found in the teacher guide.

Student Workbook Volume Discount: If you purchase 6-10 workbooks, you will receive a $2 discount on each workbook; 11-19 copies $4 discount on each; 20+ copies $6 discount on each. Additional discounts may be available for bulk orders. Contact Rod at rburnette@dgppublishing.com for inquiries.

Download a Student Workbook sample