Daily Reading Practice Grades 1-11+ and Hi-Lo

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With Daily Reading Practice, students work with one reading selection each week. They study that selection each day and complete such tasks as identifying subject and purpose on Monday, engaging in word study on Tuesday, making inferences and relating to prior knowledge on Wednesday, creating graphic organizers and skimming on Thursday, and writing summaries on Friday.

Each level of Daily Reading Practice contains 30 high-interest reading selections with related questions and assignments. Selections cover a variety of subject areas and prepare students to handle passages on standardized tests. Student "help pages" provide useful information about everything from root words to literary techniques to summarizing skills. Students can complete the short, daily reviews with or without workbooks.

Our 9, 10, and 11+ books are excellent preparation for college entrance exams and for higher-level reading assignments.

Our Hi-Lo version is perfect for English Learners and for older students reading significantly below grade level. The interest level of the Hi-Lo version is grades 7-12+. The selections begin at a 2.0 readability level and increase to a 6.0 readability level by the end of the year.