About Us

By Teachers for Teachers

Tired of starting over every year with nouns? So was Dawn Burnette, creator of Daily Grammar Practice!

As a novice high school English teacher in the early 1990s, Dawn quickly discovered that her students didn't understand grammar and its impact on writing. After reading copious amounts of research and trying multiple approaches to teaching grammar, Dawn realized that the problem with grammar instruction was its organization. So over several years, she developed Daily Grammar Practice. Out of desperation. Because nothing else was working.

By the year 2000, Dawn had begun sharing the approach with fellow teachers, and many of them encouraged her to publish the curriculum so more teachers and students could benefit from it. In 2003, DGP Publishing began providing Daily Grammar Practice for middle and high school students.

Gradually, we have added new products for a variety of grade levels and different areas of language arts, but our focus has always been on providing qualitatively different language arts materials. All of our authors are or have been classroom teachers and/or homeschool teachers, and all of our materials have been tested and approved by students.

DGP Publishing, Inc. is a family owned and operated company that enjoys serving teachers, parents, and students. Our language arts materials are used in classrooms and homes in all 50 states and more than 20 foreign countries. Our authors speak often at professional conferences such as NCTE, AMLE, ATEG, ILA, TESOL, and HSTW; and they teach professional development for school systems around the country.