DGP Academy Now Delivers Instructional Videos!

Posted by Dawn Burnette on

I am beyond excited to invite you to experience DGP Academy!

I can't tell you how many teachers and parents want to use DGP in their classrooms or homeschools but aren't comfortable with the concepts themselves, making it difficult for them to teach the concepts even with the help of a teacher's guide.

Problem solved!

DGP Academy provides instructional videos that walk you through every day of Daily Grammar Practice. If you're a teacher, these videos (150 of them per grade level) will help you prepare to teach each week's sentence. If you're a homeschooling student, you will have a DGP author as your own personal instructor.

In the videos, I go over each day's work as I would in my own classroom. I explain what the answers are and WHY. I talk about usage issues that come up in the sentences. I pronounce unusual names and define difficult vocabulary words (you're welcome). I answer questions that teachers and students often ask. And I even provide interesting side notes about the sentences or concepts from time to time. As it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to go over any day's DGP, most of the videos are only a few minutes long--some even shorter.

Want to see a sample? Here is an intro message for teachers and parents, an intro message for students working on their own at home, and five videos walking you through five days of DGP. On our product pages, you will find samples for specific grade levels also*. Each grade level has a separate set of videos!




To access DGP Academy, you need to sign up for a free account on the DGP website. If you've ordered from our website before, you probably have an account. If not, you can sign up when you check out. Also, please note that the videos are streams, not downloads, so you can show them in a live online class but can't post them to your online platform for students to watch later.

See why I'm so excited?! Let's do some DGP together!


*Having trouble finding the grade level you need (or sample videos for different grade levels)? Here are some quick links!

Grade 1 (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 2 (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 3 (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 4 (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 5 (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 6 Original (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 6 Advanced (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 7 Original (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 7 Advanced (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 8 Original (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 8 Advanced (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 9 Original (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 9 Advanced (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 10 Original (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 10 Advanced (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 11 Original (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 11 Advanced (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 12 Original (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)

Grade 12 Advanced (Follow link and then add to cart or scroll down that page for sample video.)


  • Hi T.C.!
    The video access is lifetime, so you can definitely work at your own pace and can use them each year to help different students.
    :) Dawn

    Dawn Burnette on

  • Are these steams limited use or lifetime? Can we move at our own pace or do we need to complete a book level in one school year?

    T.C. on

  • Hi Jennifer,
    The videos are listed with the teacher guides and workbooks. So on our site menu, click on grammar and then either grades 1-5, grades 6-12 original, or grades 6-12 advanced (depending on what you need).
    Then scroll down from there and choose the grade level you want.
    Finally, use the materials drop-down menu to select the academy videos.

    AND to make it easier for everyone, we have added some quick links above! :)

    Dawn Burnette on

  • I would like to order the videos for grades 7 and 8, but I do not see a way to order online. I may have overlooked it. Any assistance would be appreciated! Thank you for developing the videos!

    Jennifer Smith on

  • Hi Carolyn!
    There is a separate set of videos (150 or so) for each grade level. You can see individual grade level samples by visiting the grammar link and navigating to the grade level you are interested in. If you have trouble, email me and I’ll send you a direct link for the grade level you want to see.
    :) Dawn

    Dawn Burnette on

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