Digital Versions Available

Interactive versions our Daily Grammar, Reading, and Spelling Practice teacher and student books are now available! Once downloaded, books can be accessed only within the app (with or without internet access). To order the app, follow this link. Please note that you will be leaving the DGP Publishing website and ordering through a third party (EdTech). EdTech will handle any technical issues you may have.

If you have difficulty finding the interactive book you are looking for, please contact Rod at 404-569-5247 or, and he will help you.

Electronic Version Notice:  Workbooks within the EdTech app can NOT BE PRINTED!  They are for use on an electronic device only and can be viewed and written on electronically.  If you order a Teacher's Guide through an app, you will be able to print ONLY the reproducible student pages. The rest of the Teacher’s Guide can only be viewed electronically. If your students are using workbooks, you won’t need to print any pages from the Teacher’s Guide. If they are not using workbooks, they can use the reproducible materials along with notebook paper to complete their assignments.

Click the logo below to go EdTech's digital store.