Focused Writing: An Elementary Writing Process
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Features of Focused Writing:
- Researched-based writing process.
- Teacher guide contains 36 writing assignments for grades K-8.
- Assignments are divided into three skills levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced (total of 108 different assignments).
- Assignments cover a wide range of writing genres.
- Each assignment consists of five parts: assignment overview, author and audience, form, procedure, and suggested focus skills.
- Each writing assignment takes the students through six steps of the writing process: prewriting, writing the first draft, revising, editing/proofreading, assessing, and publishing.
- For each writing assignment, students work on a few specific skills, called focus skills, in the following categories: content, organization, style, conventions, format, and challenge.
- The use of focus skills helps students improve their writing one skill at a time so they are not overwhelmed by the writing process.
- Writing assignments can be as individualized as needed.
- The self-assessment rubric allows students to look at their own writing, evaluate it, comment on it, and learn from it.
- Teacher guide contains over sixty mini-lessons to help build the skills necessary to become a proficient writer.
- Teacher guide contains samples and reproducibles that are needed to implement the program.
- Teacher guide contains descriptors of 45 focus skills used in the process.